UP 472-M


The UP472M stands for highest flexibility combined with best production output.

The proven Mini-Jacquard-selection system guarantees short reversal times without
time-consuming cam changes.

Thanks to its 36 pattern levers the UP472M offers an optimum of pattern possibilities
for a wide range of mattress tickings. All Mini-Jacquard patterns with a width of
4 to 36 stitch wales and a width of pattern repeat up to 36 needles can be efficiently
produced without using an electronic Jacquard machine.

Open-Width frame

Benefit from a huge know-how and a well-engineered open-width and winding-up technique with the new designed Terrot open-width frame. Top class fabric quality without any centre crease over the entire fabric surface thanks to sophisticated machine components combined with the highest Terrot quality. The machine type UP 472-M is available with open-width frame for the following diameter 26-36 inches .


Area of application

  • Home textiles

Approved needle oils

  • Klüber Silvertex W 22 / W32 / T22 / T32
  • Klüberoil Tex 1-22 N
  • Klüberoil Tex 1-32 N
  • Textol C ISO 22
  • LUBCON Turmotexoil LP 22 W
  • Bardahl – Promax Maxlub TEX-HE (nicht getestet und freigegeben für Auswahleinheiten der Firma Johnson Matthey)
Approved oils will be checked for their suitability by Terrot at regular intervals. The manufacturer of the oil is responsible for a consistently high quality of the oil. Terrot assumes no liability for damage caused by poor quality of oils.